Somewhere in the councils of the Trinity, a plan was devised for the restoration of the world. Among his other assignments, these fell to the bucket list of the Son of God:
1. Be conceived and born as a human.
2. Live a sinless life.
3. Gather a dedicated following.
4. Equip them.
5. Die for the sin of the world. (Yours included.)
6. Rise.
7. Ascend to heaven.
8. Prepare a place for his followers.
9. Take a seat at the Father’s right hand.
10. Intercede for the saints.
11. Return to earth and rule for 1,000 years.
12. Render initial judgment and rewards.
13. Hold a wedding for his bride.
14. Render final judgment.
15. Lay all authority at the Father’s feet.
What’s on your bucket list?
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